Malting Process

Malt is a grain-based ingredient used in brewing, distilling, baking, chocolates, vinegar and other specialty food processes. In brewing, malt makes up the majority of the non-water ingredients.

Malt is created from raw grain, most commonly barley, through a process of steeping, germinating and kilning. Malting releases starches, which are turned into fermentable sugars, to later become alcohol and carbon dioxide.



Immersion in Water


Allowing the Grain to Sprout


Drying the Grain to Halt the Germination Process

Our malts are made with a distinctive character and flavor by using the Schulz Malting System.

We adhere to strict quality standards while having a manufacturing capacity of up to three million pounds of malt per year. Our grain bins, malt cleaning and packaging are integrated within the malt house, giving us control of the entire process.

The combination of locally-sourced grain, precision process control and significant capacity allows us to meet the needs of most craft customers.